8141 | Meandro Scoiattolo
Nomi e numeri catastali
Nome principale: Meandro Scoiattolo
Numero catasto: 8141
Numero catasto locale: 5024FR
Numero totale ingressi: 1
Ingresso principale
Data esecuzione posizione: 07/07/2017
Presenza targhetta: No
Comune: Chiusaforte
Area provinciale: Udine
Metodo rilevamento: STRUMENTALE -> GPS
Lat. WGS84: 46,377245
Lon. WGS84: 13,466311
Est RDN2008/UTM 33N: 382053.229
Nord RDN2008/UTM 33N: 5137106.264
Quota ingresso: 1652 m
Sviluppo planimetrico: 58 m
Sviluppo spaziale: 80 m
Dislivello positivo: 15 m
Profondità: 5 m
Dislivello totale: 20 m
Quota fondo: 1647 m
Breve descrizione del percorso d'accesso
Descending from Rifugio Gilberti , keep to the right of the ski-track. After leaving the second "tree island" and before reaching the second "tree island" (are between the two main ski tracks), you have to go further to the right side from Torrente Raccolana in dense vegetation. A small rock wall will appear. On the left side of it, there is a steep climb in a rift, surrounded with collapsed trees. After that, there is a small terrace, and the entrance will be visible. From that you will need a small climb on the grass to reach it.
Descrizione dei vani interni della cavità
The cave starts with a meander 40m long. In summer, air was flowing out of the tunnel. One can observe bat guano inside the narrow passage. At the end of the meander, there is a room with considerable size and height. At the other side of the room, the meander continues, but with small impractical size. There was a 15m long artifical climb completed, but continuation is blocked by small boulders at the end of small passage. Very interesting cave.