frame header
Key commands (survex)
- 1
- height
- 2
- leg inclination
- 3
- leg length
- 4
- height cursor
- 5
- single colour
- 6
- survey section
- 7
- route
- 8
- depth below surface
- 9
- depth cursor
- 0
- distance
- <alt>f
- Flat shading
- P
- plan
- L
- elevation
- -
- N
- face north
- E
- face east
- S
- face south
- W
- face west
- -
- C
- rotate clockwise
- V
- rotate anticlockwise
- ]
- zoom in
- [
- zoom out
- F
- toggle full screen
- -
- " "
- rotate continuosly
- Z
- increase speed of rotation
- X
- decrease speed of rotation
- R
- reverse direction of rotation
- -
- <del>
- reset to inital view
- <alt>L
- show station names when under mouse
- <alt>S
- toggle control mode
- <alt>X
- toggle zoom to cursor mode
- (
- decrease focal length
- )
- increase focal length
- J
- station labels on/off
- Q
- splay legs on/off
- T
- terrain on/off
- <ctrl>B
- bounding box on/off
- <ctrl>N
- station labels on/off
- <ctrl>X
- station markers on/off
- <ctrl>L
- underground legs on/off
- <ctrl>F
- surface legs on/off
- <alt>E
- entrance labels on/off
- -
- <
- decrease terrain opacity
- >
- increase terrain opacity